Agave ISY Controller

Home Screen Favorites

Drag & Drop

All items on the favorites page can be sorted via Drag & Drop. Long-press on the item you want to move and drag it to a new location. Items that are long-pressed can be dragged around the screen to a new position

Large Screens

Tablets and other larger screens will have a different layout than smaller screens to take advantage of the space. This will eventually be standard throughout all activities in Agave. The favorites page has 3 columns on large screens

Adding a Favorite

Items can be added to the home activity by either of two methods:

Method 1:

  1. On the Home screen, tap the + (plus) button (bottom right)
  2. Select what type of device you would like to add (Devices, Scenes, Sensors/Security)
  3. From the list, tap anywhere on each to toggle the item to be a favorite or not

Method 2:

  1. Navigate to Things from the Agave menu
  2. Tap the device
  3. Check the Show on Home Screen checkbox (near the bottom)

Remove a Favorite

  1. Open the device to remove from favorites by clicking the device icon (the top left/orange corner of the widget) on the Home screen / favorites page
  2. At the bottom of the screen, uncheck Show on Home Screen